Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Party Like You're at College [Park]

Ah, the College Park apartment complex. As I was not an undergrad at ND, I never got to experience a party there. The only knowledge I had of College Park was the string of incidents at St. Patrick's Day involving people falling off of balconies while I was there. The first year I was at Notre Dame, someone fell off of a balcony at College Park. As the article also shows, it appears that College Park was the place to be on St. Patrick's Day at Notre Dame (at least for the undergrads. Us Lame-O law students were at actual bars).

The next year, there was the infamous fruit throwing incident:
[T]he student was playing catch with fruit on the upper balcony and fell off while trying to catch a piece of fruit.

The lesson? On St. Patrick's Day, avoid balconies at College Park.

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